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Showcasing over 4 shows from 2013 up until 2023, KBS Kids stands as a beacon of television excellence. Some of the best tv shows from KBS Kids include Mask Masters and 정글비트 탐험대, airing in 2013 and 2017 respectively. As of December 2024, our compilation of KBS Kids’s top-rated series boasts over 4 unique shows.
There are metal cadbots on Earth that are living by transforming them into beacles, hiding stagnation. The protagonist Jun accidentally gets Metabres in his hand, and gets caught up in numerous events with Bluecap... Can Lee Yeon-jun seal the metal cardbots scattered on Earth?
There were 12 statues symbolizing the 12 wisdoms to keep the world in peace. However, the evil ‘Muspell’ corrupts the 12 statues into Takers and colors the world with the power of darkness. Now the only hope for restoring peace is the Mask Masters, those chosen by the Mask to protect heaven's wisdom!